Well,, ini pertama kalinya gw datang ke The Center. Apa itu the center? Semacam sekolah bahasa informal yg menyediakan kelas conversation (tapi kelas yg tanpa sertifikat tampaknya dan khusus member, jadi membernya jg murah cuma bayar 100ribu rupiah utk setahun) dan juga acara kumpul2 n ngobrol2 (we call it as a hang-out) setiap harinya, free and for everyone. Pertama masuk ke dalam ruangannya, agak2 malu2 sih gw (hahahaha,, yes, I’m a shy!), melihat setiap orang berkumpul di beberapa grup sendiri. And hegard (temen kos gw) langsung mengajak gabung ke salah satu grup, dimana dalam grup yg kami gabungi ada seorang cowok bule bernama Black dan beberapa orang lain (indo). Ga tau jg mereka lg asik ngobrolin apa (in english of course), gw cuma langsung berkenalan dgn 2 orang cowok yg duduknya paling dekat dgn gw and hegard, then kami mulai ngobrol sendiri. Sementara itu tiba2 gw mengenal satu orang cewek yg ada di grup yg gw gabungi itu. Tidak lain dan tidak bukan, cewek itu ternyata teman SMA gw! Hahaha.. what a coincidence!
Pas kami datang, udah hampir jam 7 kali ya itu (my bad and also the traffic made us late). Sekali kita nimbrung jg obrolan si Black. Lalu, tiba2 setiap grup dapet dua mangkok pop corn (dalam hati ”wew… conversation gratis n dapat popcorn gratis pula, hahaha), ga cuma dua mangkok sih, bebas refill popcorn anytime. Lalalalalala,, was wes wos,,, tiba2 udah jam 8 ajah, and we all went out of the place. Tadinya gw, hegard, dan andry (one of the guy I just met there who is really fun but kinda freak *I won’t tell u here why, hehe) mau makan aj bertiga, but the others ternyata jg mo makan, so we all went dinner to Dipati Ukur, to a place which sells chinese and sea food called ‘Makan Di Warung’ (yeaaa,, agak aneh namanya, haha, seaneh dgn ide nama tempat makan gw, yaitu ‘Terserah’). We chatted and laughed during the dinner until around 10 o’clock.
Yep, it was fun, the people are so welcome, and I like them all. This is the new activity I really need besides TA, really refreshing. Maybe I’ll come there every twice a week or more? Hehe.. Though I just join them first time, they already asked me to join karaoke at NAV the next day! And since my friend, hegard, accepted the offer, so I also decided to come too. Well, if u guys interested to come and practice your english, just come to Setiabudhi 26 (in front of Rase FM), it’s totally free (except for the conversation class).
Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder - Perjalanan Baru
3 weeks ago
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